1.  All Hashtag

All Hashtag began in 2015 as a simple tool, evolving to offer features like hashtag generation, analysis, and search. Generate the top 30+ hashtags based on your keywords effortlessly with their Hashtag Generator.

2. Ritetag

It provides instant hashtag suggestions for both text and images on desktop and mobile. The tool, featuring a Chrome extension, allows users to access hashtag suggestions conveniently through right-click options. 

3. Copy Ai

It introduced an AI hashtag generator capable of producing up to 50 hashtags in a single run. It also enables seamless copying of hashtags directly into your posts. 

4. Hashtag Expert

It is an advanced tool that employs AI to find optimal Instagram hashtags and groups. With features like trend tracking, hashtag organization, and performance monitoring, it offers assistance in maximizing hashtag effectiveness. 

5. TagsFinder

Tags Finder simplifies Instagram hashtag discovery by generating results based on your keywords. Choose from 'Related,' 'Similar,' or 'Combined' options, and stand out with local hashtags, making it ideal for small businesses and location-specific products. 

6. Sistrix

This hashtag generator offers user-friendly functionality but has usage limitations on the free account, allowing 25 daily queries. While sufficient for many, a premium account is required for additional queries beyond the limit.