1. Woorank

It provides personalized recommendations and fixes for key web pages, prioritizes issues, and offers social shareability insights. Its extension also ensures detailed reports for effective website improvement.  

2. Seobility

It is an SEO audit tool that analyzes up to 1000 pages and offers a comprehensive website report. Standout features include the Content report, highlighting pages with SEO issues such as keyword stuffing or thin content. 

It offers a swift on-page SEO overview, generating reports on Performance, social media, On-page SEO, and Security. Accessible browser extensions and responsive testing ensure a comprehensive website analysis. 

3. SEOopimer

4. SEO Mator 

SEOmator's deep website crawl generates a comprehensive on-page SEO report, addressing 100+ issues and providing solutions. It also evaluates content quality, flagging duplicate or thin content for easy optimization & re-publishing. 

5. Semrush

It delivers in-depth SEO audits, offering insights into site health, errors, and comprehensive optimization tools, including position tracking, backlink audits, and social media management.